Influenza Causes and Medical solution for Influenza


The acute illness caused by viruses that infects the respiratory tract is medically termed as Influenza. The common name for influenza is flu. It is a contagious disease, as it spread through respiration and easily takes a form of an pandemic.

The subsequent effect of influenza includes cold, body aches, chills, soar throat, fevers from mild to severe degree and at times can cause death. The virus of influenza grips the immune system and reduces the resistance to other illnesses.

Causes of Influenza

Scientifically, there are three types of viruses - A, B and C which causes influenza. Further each type has sub-types or strains, but each of the sub-type maintains the characteristic of the original virus.
Seasonal changes, especially setting of winter or ending of seasons, is a favorable time for the influenza viruses as they get active and spread among large populations.
Generally, people with strong immune system can easily recover from the effects of influenza as the body immune system fight against the viruses. With bird flu it is different as this virus strain (H5N1) makes the body produce large amounts of anti-bodies to the extent where it can kill the patient. A strong immune system will produce more antibodies than a weak immune system increasing the risk of death in healthy people.
121doc offers prescription medication under the guidance of professional doctors as per the details provided in the consultation form filled by the customer.

Medical solution for Influenza
The only medical solution for influenza is to consult a doctor and follow the advice with the prescribed medication. 121doc offers medication prescribed through a 121doc doctor following an online consultation.
Tamiflu is highly effective prescription medication that fights against the effects of the virus that causes influenza or flu.


Tamiflu is manufactured by Roche pharmaceuticals. It is very powerful drug as it provides the power to the body immune system in fight against the virus attacks. It belongs to the class of medicines called neuraminidase-blockers. Neuraminidase is used in the production of virus, hence tamiflu blocks it activities and strengthen the immune system of the body. Thus, Tamiflu acts as a shield against the attacks of viruses and protects the body for fevers, cough and illness.

Click here to Get your Tamiflu now


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